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2022 BHS BASEBALL CONCESSIONS (Track Parents Fundraiser)
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. If you are unable to work your slot; you are responsible for finding a replacement. Thank you! We appreciate you all! PLEASE NOTE.... Game days and times are subject to change.
2022 Bartlesville High School Bruin Classic Track Meet
Thank you for volunteering! Please sign up for one or more shifts.
As a volunteer, you can assist with running events, recording results, hospitality, track set-up, timing, admission or any other area of service that you would like to help with. Just sign-up for the shift that best fits where you would like to help.
Link to Meet Info Sheet:
For additional questions please contact David Ayres (9183273028) at
Date: 03/25/2022 (Fri.)